Unveiling Our Latest Hospital Projects

A New Era of Healthcare Excellence
Unity is strength...
Putting Patients First: A New Approach to Hospital Care and improving Health Outcomes with Evidence-Based Practices.
Posted By Mr. Godwin Zasib
Breaking Ground on a Brighter, Healthier Future with Our New Hospital buildings

The hospital in collaboration with mental health authority set off on a project to address the neglect of mental health issues including drug and alcohol abuse.

01. Facility Improvement

Upgrading our hospital infrastructure, equipment and technology to better serve patients and staff.

02. Staff Development

Investing in training and development programs for our staff, which can improve job satisfaction, employee retention, and overall performance.

03. Quality Improvement

We focuses on improving the quality of care that the hospital provides, with the goal of reducing errors, complications, and adverse events.

Recent Projects
New Borehole pumphouse project In March 2023.
Posted By MR. COSMAS BEYUO    |      |   Administrator

Dr. Godfrey Bacheyie, donated a new Borehole to the St. Joseph hospital to help improve water supply in the facility. The new Borehole would help reduce the pressure on the facility's old borehole. St. Joseph Hospital is very grateful to you, Dr. Godfrey Bacheyie, for the consistent support you have offered us. God bless you.

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GHANEPS (Ghana electronic procurement system).
Posted By Mr. Peter Tabiasi Naa, Mcips    |      |   SNR Procurement Manager

On the day of project implementation (25th May 2023). The project's purpose is to broaden the scope of authentic suppliers and make the procurement process transparent, convenient shorter and with less paperwork.

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Picture with Lightwave health information system project manager and team prior to implementation.
Posted By Mr. Evans Nindor    |      |   Accountant

The aim of the LHIMS project is to digitalize health management system in the hospital, that is patient care from records department, through OPD, laboratory, x-ray, special units, wards even up to discharge of patient is without the use of paper folders. With this system of healthcare, healthcare staff will enter all patient information into a computer system by logging in with individual usernames and passwords. The system is integrated and collaborative between all necessary departments and units.

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The Administration Block is undergoing renovation and maintenance.
By Dr. Silas   |   10 April 2023   |   Doctor

This innovation was initiated to improve it's overall aesthetics, while preserving it's unique appearance and historical significance.

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The construction of the Administration Block is currently underway.
By Mr. Cosmas Beyuo   |   17 April, 2023   |   ADMINISTRATOR

The new Administration block has been a long standing capital intensive project. Currently with collaboration and assurance from the government, the project will soon be resumed and completed. It stands to be a multipurpose infrastructure comprising of OPD rooms, records department and administration offices with a conference room on the first floor.

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A new Pharmacy Annex has been established.
By Mr. Clement Anlo Duuma   |   20 April, 2023   |    Pharmacy Manager

The pharmacy annex project was started in July 2022 and has been effective since November 2022. It's purpose was to address the issue of long queue and long waiting time at the hospital pharmacy as well as to improve upon the range of medications available at the pharmacy. This necessitated the need for separate OPD and IPD pharmacies.

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The hospital roads are currently under construction.
By Mr. Tale-er Edmond   |   1 April, 2023   |   Human Resources Manager

A project that has come to a standstill and awaiting further funding and government support.

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A new building for mental health has been constructed.
By Mr George Viidaa Kangwonuah   |   10 April, 2023   |   Eye Unit In-charge

The hospital in collaboration with mental health authority set off on a project to address the neglect of mental health issues including drug and alcohol abuse. The mental ward project was then started with staff currently undergoing training in the management of addiction cases. To be set in full motion by the second half of year with OPD, IPD and addiction rehabilitation services offered.

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The development of the hospital's cafeteria facilities
By Mrs. Bayour Fidelia Hadoho   |   27 April, 2023   |   Kitchen In-charge

The canteen is currently under construction and about 90% complete. Apart from the hospital kitchen which serves the needs of in-patient at the various wards under NHIS, the hospital is in need of an onsite canteen to serve the needs of staff, patient visitors and patients who are willing to patronise, and hence the inception of the canteen. The hospital is currently in talks with business persons and willing to outsource the canteen. (Still Pending)

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The initial stage of implementing an electronic health records (EHR) system.

The successful adoption of electronic health records (EHR) systems is essential for modern healthcare organizations to provide high-quality patient care, streamline clinical workflows, and improve operational efficiency. To achieve these benefits, the implementation of an EHR system typically involves several phases, the first of which is focused on laying the foundation for the digital infrastructure.

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